The Quill is St. Francis DeSales High School’s school newspaper written by the journalism students and designed by the graphic design students. These students would collaborate to produce a monthly issue of “The Quill”.

I was in the journalism class throughout my senior year of high school and would often collaborate with a friend on articles. Although I could have done them myself, it was a fun and creative way for both of us to spend time together outside of school.

The Fault in Your Stars - September 2019 Issue

The Fault in Your Stars was a collaborative article written by myself and Catharina Le. This was our first article writing for The Quill. We did ample research on the monthly horoscopes of all zodiac signs and wrote a fun article that got students talking.

While we were in our classes for the day after the article was posted, we overheard multiple students talking about what their horoscope said. This was such a cool experience, especially because this was our first article.

Wake Up Columbus! - October 2019 Issue

Wake Up Columbus! was a collaborative article written by myself and Catharina Le. We explored new, local coffee shops and rated them on on a scale from 1-10. This is one of my favorite articles we wrote together through the school year.

Cards Against Your Future - November 2019 Issue

Cards Against Your Future written by myself and Catharina Le. This article was controversial for its time, as being in a Catholic school and dealing with tarot was taboo.

We interviewed two people with drastically different opinions on the subject and wrote about our personal experience with getting a tarot reading.

This article caused staff-wide discussion, with opinions stating the article was against DeSales beliefs. We created this article to stir the pot and we successfully did just that.

LifeSentence-360 - February 2020 Issue

Life-Sentence 360 was an article written by myself about the app, Life360. This article made the front cover of the issue.

The article is dramatized for a more prison-feeling effect, but even though I did semi-hate the app at the time I use this app religiously now and it is a staple in my family and with some friends.

This article had the school talking with mixed reviews about the app. Some had never heard of it, few loved it, and many said “I hope my parents never see this article”.

The Beauty in Quarantine - April 2020 Issue

The Beauty in Quarantine was an article written by myself about, simply, going outside. I went to a local park, took photos of flowers and took in how different life was after such a life-altering event.

The assignment for this article was to show what you were doing during quarantine, and it seems silly now to say “I went outside”. Looking at this article took me back to that place and reminded me how pretty the flowers looked, how fresh the air smelled and how quiet the world was. There were no planes, no car horns, just silence.


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