The Demographic Cliff

Our study of the demographic cliff shows how smaller, private colleges are competing with larger schools. In this study, we researched local small universities such as Capital University, Otterbein University and Ohio Dominican University to research how they are able to keep with with schools such as Ohio State University.

What we found through interviewing and research is that many students will start off at smaller institutions and transfer to Ohio State. Although students may not notice, the retention rate for these small schools is declining.

Event Story

I was assigned to write a news story for an on-campus event. The Spicy Food Challenge is a fall tradition hosted by Asian American Alliance in collaboration with Students of Latinx Affinity. For this challenge, participates are given eight different foods, each getting hotter than the last. In order to participate, students needed to sign a waiver beforehand.

As the reporter I thought it would be a great idea to try one of the levels. As someone who can handle spice, I could not have lasted past level four, the one I tried.

Personality Profile

I was assigned to write a personality profile about someone on campus. Since I was involved with the music technology program through WXCU Radio, I interviewed Matthew Barcus whose major is music technology.

The music technology program on campus is one of the more intense majors with many students overloaded with their class work. Since I have some experience with the music industry, I wanted to learn more about what the students do to help build their career.

AR Workshop Media Report

In one of my web design classes, I was assigned to post to a media outlet throughout the semester. Since I was already the social media manager for AR Workshop Pickerington, I wrote my report on the posts I made.

Throughout the report, I detail my posting schedule and provide screenshots of the posts themselves, the engagement and talk about the brand standards I have to follow.

Visual Rhetoric

I was assigned to create a visual rhetoric that makes a statement about something that mattered to me. After doing some research on different topics, I chose to create a visual about mental health.

I wanted to create a visual that was simple but also told a larger story. When looking more into the design, I wanted it to appear more cluttered than what it looks like from afar.


WXCU Radio